Bob Van Oosterhout

Support Opportunity & Service Circles - A Neigborhood Organizing Tool
About Bob (...What about Bob?)
Anger and Impulse Control
Anxiety, Depression, PTSD
Behavioral Health Integration with Primary Care
Bring Truth to Fear: We CAN Work Together
Hard Times Cafe Model of Empowerment
Links to Videos for Online Stress Management at LCC
Managing Chronic Pain and Headaches
Mental Health
Moral Philosophy
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Practical Psychology: What Works and Makes Sense
Problem Solving - Responding Effectively to Problems
Slow Down and Lighten Up
Spiritual Writing
Stress Management
What Works
Resume/Curriculum Vitae
Comments, Suggestions, Discussion

I have been working with a process of resolving patterns of physical, mental and emotional tension to treat a wide range of mental health disorders since 1977 and have found this approach to be consistently effective.  

Over the past two years, I have begun to write descriptions of how this approach works and have given presentations to groups of Social Workers, Psychologists, as well as Counseling interns. 

Questions, comments, feedback, and suggestions regarding this approach and the materials used to describe it are much appreciated.  Please click on "Sign my Guestbook" below to post your thoughts.

Bob Van Oosterhout, MA, LMSW, LLP

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Video - Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Video - Understanding Depression

New Perspective on Anxiety, Depression, and PTSD: Presentation at NASW 2009 Annual Conference

Draft article: Dealing with Social Anxiety

List of Hypotheses

Hypothesis List in MS Word format - downloadable

Descriptions of Balance Techniques

The following descriptions of balance techniques discussed during the NASW-MI workshop are selected chapters from the book "Slow Down and Lighten Up:  Letting Go of Stress and Tension" which was published in 2001.  The book was written in Word Perfect so I apologize for formatting problems in transferring them to another format in order to post them here.

Chapter 7 My Nerves are Shot

Chapter 8 My Mind is Spinning

Chapter 9 Emotional Sunburn

Chapter 11 Getting our Nerves in Balance

Chapter 12 Recognizing and Releasing Physical Tension

Chapter 13 Recovering Mental Balance

I have copied some materials from my stress managment course site that provide additional information about balance techniques discussed in the presentation.  All of this information is being updated and put into a new book with a working title of "New Perspectives on Treating Anxiety, Depression, and PTSD."  I plan to post chapters of the book to this site as the first draft editing is completed.

Additional thoughts about diaphragmatic breathing

Clarifying grounding

Comments about Thought Focusing and Rhythm Phrases

Rhythm Prayers based on Christian Principles of Love

Mastering Meditation

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